Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Photo Planning

For my front cover, I will use a medium closeup. I would like one similar to this as it is simple, yet the makeup, and outfit is bold. The image consists of 2 main colours, Navy and red. This will set the colour palette for the rest of the magazine. I will do this with my front cover image and incorporate the clothing colours with my colour palette. I like the angle of this image also, because it is unusual.

This particular image, is more natural and less posed. I would use an image like this for my contents page. I will use more than one picture on my contents page, to break up the text. This image would go well with the one of Adele (above) as it also includes the colour red, fitting with the colour palette  The background colour could be easily changed to navy too. This image features a low angle shot. I like the way this image comes across and i feel the angle makes Taylor Swift look powerful. 
The image above is very simple and perfect for a double page spread, it is and eye-level shot showing the model as they would be seen in real life to the naked eye. For my double page spread, I will use one main image like the one above, or one like the one to the right. The image to the right shows a wide shot with a slight low angle view. Most double page spread articles which include the same artist as the one on the front cover, usually keep the same colour palette used in on the front cover image.  Double page spread images tend to take up a whole page, usually the page on the right hand side. The article to go with the image goes on the left hand side.

This image shows the music side of things, yet is more posed, I could use an image similar to this as a contents or double page spread image. This is a long shot, it shows the model's whole body, this would be a good image for a double page spread or contents page. My contents page should feature 2-3 images. However, I may challenge codes and conventions by using only one main image.

Main Artist Profile

The main artist profile for my double page spread/front cover will be a new, young, successful artist. Around a similar age, maybe older than my target audience itself. I will use class, age, gender and ethnicity to help build my character to fit my magazine style and it's audience. This will help create the perfect artist for my magazine. The artist I wish to create will be aged 17-25 and most likely female. This is the perfect age range for my target audience to be interested in, also the correct gender of interest too. My artist will be social grade C1-E class. Ethnicity will be British, this is because that is the type of artist most voted for in my survey. I would like my artist to be represented in a good way, instead of the bad stereotypical way that young adults are seen in. My artist will be just like any other young adult who has worked their way to the top and earned what they have. My artist will be mature for their age, creating a positive representation of young people and intriguing adults, making them change their opinion on teens and young adults.

An example of a young British artist is Rita Ora, I would like to base my artist on someone like her. Another artist I like is Willow Smith, however she is not British, but she is young, therefore fits the representation I want to convey.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Title And Font Notes

Out of my 3 possible magazine titles I chose LOUD to be my title. I chose this because I feel it is suitable for my audience as music is best listened to loudly. My double page spread titles include: 'How my encounter with Rita Ora changed my life' 'Her private life away from the spotlight' and 'Being famous isn't as great as you think it is'. After asking people of my target audience age, I found that 'Her private life away from the spotlight' seemed to be the most popular voted headline. I feel this fits accordingly as my target audience is made up of mainly females and this will appeal to them. Feedback: "This would be a good headline, as it leaves you in suspense and you want to know what's happening to her and why."

Font Notes:
I will use serif for all text except particularly important details. For example artists names and other things I want to make stand out. Having done research I have decided that my text needs to be bold to be recognised. Title fonts will be in bright bold colours to make them easy to read and able to be seen from a distance to catch the audiences attention. After having done research and asking my target audience, I have come to the conclusion that serif font is used mainly and san serif is used to highlight particular details. This can be seen in all main music magazines. I have not decided on a particular font for my magazine yet.

This magazine cover shows an example of the artists name and extra details in a different font (serif). I would like to do this for my magazine. I feel it would create a nice effect that would appeal to my target audience.

Initial Ideas And Institution

Initial ideas:

For my magazine, I chose 3 possible titles. These were: Music Blend, LOUD and Noise. After collecting my survey information it was decided that the magazine title would be 'LOUD'. I think that the name will be in capitals as things that are either shouted, or said loudly are put in capitals through media. I think I will also use serif font this title. My magazine content will include mainly 'new' artists, however the content of my magazine will feature all kinds of pop artists. Articles will be about artists and what they are doing with relevance to latest tours, new looks and family life etc. My double page spread topic will be about and artist and how they came to fame, their background and who helped them along the way. The style and design of my magazine will be very modern. Bold, bright and attractive to the audience. Colours will match that of the artist on the front cover and create a theme for the magazine. Existing products that have influenced me include Billboard magazine, and we <3 pop.

The institution who would publish my magazine are Prometheus Global media. I chose this institution because they publish Billboard, another popular music magazine of the same standard and genre I wish my magazine to be.

Monday, 14 December 2015

Sub-Genre Codes And Conventions

Front Cover:

  • One main image,featuring the artist being used as the main story.
  • Artists tend to be young and new artists.
  • Artist will be very well groomed and the colour of their outfit, will usually set the colour palette for the page and rest of the magazine.
  • Masthead is usually along the top of the page in big bold writing, usually serif.
  • Font colour will vary, usually Black, red or pinks.
  • Date, issue number and price usually placed in bottom right hand corner or top right in a small font size e.g 5-8ppt.
  • Content includes new songs, new artists and what's the latest celebrity story or look.
  • Cover lines usually in sentence case and the next largest font after the masthead.
Contents Page:
  • 2-4 images usually one main image and 3 smaller, minor images.
  • Features what's to come in the magazine
  • Which pages to turn to with large numbers on the images indicating which article the image relates to.
  • Again images of artists or things artists have done.
  • Writing here is usually sentence case and a smaller font, serif.
  • Will include many cover lines next to images
  • Font colour will typically be black or white.
Double Page spread:
  • One main image on either the left page or the right.
  • May rarely include one minor image next to the article relating to the story.
  • Headline will be on either the left or the right hand page. Never normally across both pages as this makes it hard to read.
  • Subheading will be a lot smaller than the title and usually placed just below the heading above the article.
  • Article font size will be around 9ppt.
  • Font for the heading and subheading may feature either serif or san serif.
  • Font colour depends on the colour palette, but will usually feature in black or white for the article and various different colours for the heading and subheading.
  • Main image will feature a picture of the artists alone. Normally posed at a photo shoot for the magazine.

Friday, 11 December 2015

Font Analysis

Font Type:
Font style in A popular pop magazine, Billboard, tend to be all san serif. The only place we see them use serif is for and artists name. Here is an example of one of Billboard's magazines featuring Iggy Azalea. As you can see the only thing written in the serif style font is 'IGGY POP!'. To fit with these conventions I will use mainly san serif and only use serif for names or separate details. I will do this for all pages in my magazine.

Range of fonts:
On the front cover of a magazine, they tend to stick to 1-3 fonts, this is so that it is not too hard for the audience to read without becoming confused. As you can see from the Iggy Azalea cover, there are 3 fonts. One for the Masthead, one for Iggy's name an one for coverlines and other information. In my magazine, I will try to stick to only 2 fonts as I feel that will make things easier to read. I will stick to this theme of 2 fonts for all of the pages in my magazine.

Size of fonts:
Font size varies throughout the magazine. Mastheads and headings tend to be the largest text on the page, the size of it usually takes up to a quarter of the page. Coverless and subheading are a lot smaller, usually between a font size 70pts-100pts. Column writing in attics is usually kept between 9pts and 10pts. This is because it sets the layout of the magazine and you are still able to write a ling article without having to sacrifice a full page main image.

Colour of fonts:
Font colour for pop magazines tend to be pinks, blues, reds, yellows, black and white. These are colours that draw the attention of the audience. They are bright, bold colours. The colour of the font usually matches the main image and colour of the clothes that the person is wearing. In my magazine, I will match the font to my main image so that my magazine looks smart and fits typical pop magazine conventions.

Font case:
Font used for the masthead of a magazine tends to be in sentence case, but larger to give it the effect of capitals. subheadings and cover lines however vary, some can be all caps whereas others can be sentence case. You never really see all lower case in magazines. Articles are usually in sentence case as there is a lot of writing. I think in my magazine I will stick to sentence case unless it is  for a masthead.

Font style:
Font style in pop magazines, look more modern in younger aimed audience magazines like 'We <3 Pop' For example, the font is more serif and girly looking. Whereas a magazine like Billboard features more san serif traditional fonts similar to times new roman. As my magazine is aimed at an older target audience, I will use more smart modern fonts as well as traditional fonts.

Examples of font types:

Friday, 4 December 2015

Target Audience Survey And Results

As you can see, out of 55 responses, over 70% of them were female. This is a good response as I am aiming my target audience at both males and females however the majority will be female.

The majority of the people who took my survey have said that they would like a pastel colour palette. This is a more female orientated palette but can be made more masculine with blues and beige. The fact that the other colours chosen were black white and other bold colours connote that colours are quite important. This matches the genre coventions.

As you can see the majority of my responses are the age of 17 or over. This is around the age I am aiming my magazine at. This is good because it will be an accurate representation of what my actual target audience would like to see in a magazine.

My magazine title will be 'LOUD' as that is the title that people liked most. With 3 options I think they had enough choice.

 I found it interesting to see that there was a tie between celebrity information and English artists. Considering most pop artists we listen to are in fact American artists,it is surprising that people don't want to see them featured. However I will feature both English artists and celebrity information.

Considering pop music is my chosen music genre, it is good that nearly 80% of people who took the survey like pop music. This connotes that my magazine will fit my target audience's needs.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Representation And Stereotypes

This particular cover proves Laura Mulvey's theory of women functioning in two ways only: As erotic objects of desire for people within a story, or as erotic objects of desire for the spectator. This female has been sexualised, she is pictured topless, this is appealing to a male target audience. Although she is covering herself she is still showing off a lot of her body. Using sex to sell is one of the most common tactics used by any media product. If you are appealing to a male target audience, putting a female on the cover half naked will more than likely increase your magazine sales. My magazine is going to be aimed at a mixture of audiences. Therefore a sexualised image of a female may not appeal to a female audience. Because of this I will not use gender stereotypes in my magazine.

Here we can see Lorde, a young artist, featured on the front cover. Bill Osgerby said that the representation of youth has not changed much over the past 100 years. He also said that you don't have to go far to find a bad representation of youth. This image however, portrays youth as successful. Although her clothing is not smart, it is stereotypically the sort of clothing a teenager would wear. This may be seen as a bad representation. However, she is on the front cover of a magazine, earning huge amounts of money for putting her talent out there. This shows that teenagers can be successful. My magazine is aimed at an older audience, so teenagers will not be featured. However young adults aged 20-30 will be featured. The images of youths I use, will show positive representations and connotations of youth.
Malik says that the word 'race' only applies to black and asian people. This is because they are the only racial groups that 'own' an ethnicity.Whiteness  has been neutralised as though it is the 'norm' when it is quite clearly another ethnic group like the others. This particular magazine cover shows your stereotypically hooded black male. This is seen as threatening, although the crown and the title 'Usher in a new era' shows that this is a simple cover with no racial tags. Black artists usually feature in hip hop magazines however this artist features in a pop magazine, breaking the stereotype. Pop magazines are typically filled with white artists therefore my magazine will feature mostly white artists to in keep  with the stereotype.
Lady Gaga is a female, bisexual artist. This can not be seen on the magazine cover. This breaks the trend, usually if somebody is gay or lesbian or bisexual, it is talked about and pointed out. However the media has changed over the past few years and it is becoming less of a big deal as to what somebodies sexuality is. Andy Medhurst says that sexuality disrupts representation, in the real world you cannot 'see' somebodies sexuality. Therefore you would not know their sexuality unless they told you. Media shows gay men as 'screaming queens' and lesbians as 'dykes'. Gaga breaks these stereotypes in her feminine pose, showing no signs at all as to what her sexuality is. My magazine will feature artists of all sexuality and gender. This will not break any stereotypes because most magazines feature all sexuality types anyway.
National/Regional identity
This magazine shows clear national identity. This magazine connotes that it is aimed at American readers as it features an American flag in the background. Andrew Higson says that "Identity is generally understood to be the shared identity of naturalised inhabitants of a particular political-geographical space- this can be a particular nation or region" My magazine will feature national/regional identity but not in any particular detail.

Richard Butsch said that working class men in the media are seen as "incompetent and ineffectual, often a buffoon, well-intentioned, but dumb. This magazine shows Eminem as a rough, uneducated male. This makes him seem a lower class than somebody like Adele for example. The way people dress can give off a stereotype of what they are like and how they may act towards people. My magazine will feature people of all classes as I feel that class should not affect how successful you are in an industry. Different styles of music create different representations. For example, the music genre HipHop, has embraced negative representations of their music genre. I feel that this is because the negative representations make the music artists feel like they have more of a status and power over people. Negativity towards their style of clothing, or choice of tattoos for example, may make them recognised more in the music industry.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

What I Have Learnt And My Own target Audience Profile For My Magazine

Demographics and Psychographics will feature heavily in my own music magazine now that I have discovered more about it. I haves learnt that my target audience can be  and will be very specific if I use demographics and psychographics in my magazine. I will use this new information to help me create my own magazine audience profile.

My target audience profile:

My target audience will be a mass audience of aspirers who are serious and seek status, explorers who are full of energy and seek discovery and also reformers who are socially aware and seek enlightenment. The age range for my target audience will be mostly female, between the ages of 14- 26 years old. My magazine will include the uses and gratification theory, which is split into four different sections, these include: Identity, education, entertainment and social. The two main uses of my pop magazine are to entertain my audience and help them find their identity. Your typical pop audience will have all four uses, which mine will, but not in such close detail as my chosen two uses. My audience, as it is slightly older than your usual pop magazine, will be more adult than your normal pop based magazine. This means that the articles and topics discussed inside will be of a more mature tone and style. Rather than being aimed towards 10-15 year olds, my magazine is aimed at the slightly older age range so that pop can maybe not always be seen as a 'young magazine' as it stereotypically is. Identity applies to my magazine because because people aspire to be their idols, also it is very easy to tell the difference between a pop magazine and any other music genre or magazine. My audience will want to read about artists, how they became famous and their backgrounds. People who read pop magazines are interested in peoples lives as well as their music. This gives the magazine more of an identity as other magazines do not do this sort of thing. People will aspire to be artists and realise that they don't have to be well off to be famous. Entertain is one of my main two also because the whole reason people buy magazines is because they enjoy reading about their favourite bands and artists as they find this enjoyable and entertaining. My audience will be typically white british females, with a social grade C1-E. They will be young bubbly people, who are very interested in pop music, own an iPod or some form of music playing device and listen to music frequently.

My Psychographic Target Audience Profile

Pop magazines appeal to a few psychographic groups these include; Reformers, aspirers and explorers. Reformers are socially aware and usually very free minded people who aren't restricted, like this genre of music isn't restricted in any way. Aspirers because they are young and look up to the artists and are interested in the look of the band. Explorers fit well because they are normally quite young and energetic and loud like the pop genre itself. 

Pop Magazine Audience Research

Billboard has a reader total of 48,000 people. However, it's gender statistics state, that it's readers are gender neutral. With 71% of it's readers at and age range between 25-54, this puts it's median aged reader at 47 years old. This particular magazine has a social grade A-B. Billboard is published by Prometheus Global Media and has a circulation figure of 16,327 people a week.

We <3 Pop:
We <3 pop has an audience us mostly girls, with it's reader total at 135,000 , that's a lot of girls. It's readers are aged 13-15 year olds, this happens to be their primary target audience also. We <3 pop has a social grade C1-E class. It had circulation figures of 42,864 a month and is published by Egmont UK.

Top of the Pops:
82% of Top of the Pops readers are female. Top of there Pops has a reader total of 357,000 people who's average age is 12 years old. It sits with a social grade of 64% at ABC1's and 36% AB's. It is produced by Immediate media company LTD and has a circulation figure of 78,352 people every 6 months.

My Demographic Target Audience Profile

Genre: Pop music

Class/earnings: My primary target audience, will be between social grades C1 to E.

Gender: male & female pop music fans.

Age: 14-30 years old.

Nationality: British 

Ethnicity: White British
Sexuality: Straight/Bisexual/Gay/Transgender 

Audience Appeal: My target audience will want the magazine to use it for Personal relationships (using the media for emotional and other interactions e.g. substitution celebrities (pop stars etc) for family life OR using the magazines as a social event).

Friday, 20 November 2015

Analysis Of The Background Of A Magazine From My Sub-Genre, Pop


Cover of Billboard (January 26, 2013).
CategoriesMusic magazine
  • William H. Donaldson
  • James Hennegan
First issueNovember 1, 1894; 121 years ago
CompanyPrometheus Global Media
CountryUnited States
Based inNew York CityNew York, U.S.

 Here we can see some information about Billboard. The group behind billboard has an imprint of the Crown publishing group (itself a part of Random House) which bought the imprint from Nielsen in 2008. The publishing agency describes itself as "a leading publisher of music and entertainment titles". Billboard is published by 

Prometheus Global Media.Prometheus Global Media was funded by Guggenheim Partners and Pluribus Capital Management in excess of US $70 million.

Other publishers of pop magazines include: 
  • Egmont
  • Prometheus
  • BBC

Online And print Magazine Differences

  •  Online editions include not only the print edition articles, but also all the blog posts and video/audio pieces.
  •  The online-only content, the blogs etc,  are free to everyone. Also if you have a subscription, you can get full access to the print articles online.
  • Online media is cheaper than print magazines in the long run.
  • Online magazines are better for the environment.
  • Magazines can publicise the internet and vice versa. There is also opportunity for an exchange of content between magazines and their online versions.
  • Magazines encourage people to go online and see extra features not in the magazines.
  • If people buy the magazine, then go to the online version through magazine advertisement, then the company is gaining money in two ways. Rather than just through the magazine.
  • Magazines can come with free products inside, this will convince people to buy them as they feel they are getting extra for the price they are paying.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Institutions Research

Who publishes music magazines? 
Two major music magazine publishers are Bauer Media and Future PLC. An example of an independent magazine publisher is The Wire.

Bauer media group: It's first issue was published in October 1986.Bauer Media is Europe’s largest privately owned publishing Group. The Group is a worldwide media empire with over 300 magazines in 15 different countries, as well as online, TV and radio stations.Bauer Media is a sister company of H Bauer Publishing, the publisher of the UK's biggest TV listings, Take a Break and Bella. For example a magazine Bauer media produces called Q, has circulation figures of 52,781 (ABC July-December 2013. Bauer media publishes many magazines such as closer, heat magazine and smash hits also.

Future PLC :The company was founded as Future Publishing in SomertonSomerset in 1985 by Chris Anderson with the sole magazine Amstrad Action. An early innovation was the inclusion of free software on magazine covers, the first company to do so.Anderson sold Future to Pearson PLC for £52.7 million pounds in 1994, but bought it back in 1998. It publishes more than 30 magazines. Total circulation figures for a magazine called 'Guitarist' are 25,047 ABC between January-December 2013. Magazines published by future PLC are Rhythm, edge, computer music, guitarist and many more.

The Wire: It was founded in 1982. 
The magazine is run by a small, dedicated team of full-time staff, plus a large international group of over 60 freelance writers, based in different places around the world. A digital version of the magazine is available on iPad, iPhone, Kindle Fire, Android and via your web browser.In December 2000 it was purchased in a management buy-out organised by the magazine's staff and has been run independently ever since. The wire has a monthly circulation of 20,000 people and a subscriber database of 9,000 people.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Magazine Contents Page Analysis: We Love Pop

This magazine contents page is a lot more simple than the Billboard one. This may give the representation that their target audience is not capable of reading as much, connoting that they are a younger audience. Again the colour palette shows connotations of love, youth and girls. This shows that the audience is young. This fits Laurie's 1965 theory "Teenagers are presented as a class in themselves." Young teens (12-16), are a class of their own. The enjoy very different things to what say a 20 year old may enjoy. It is for this reason that this magazine contents page uses young, girly, bright colours to attract this specific audience and draw in their attention.

Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis: We Love Pop

The pastel colours of this magazine suggest that the magazine is aimed at a younger target audience. The boy band featured are liked by many young girls this suggests that the magazine is aimed at a younger audience. The milkshakes they are holding show connotations of summer, fun and youth. The fact they are in a magazine that is targeted at younger girls this represents them as a young band also. This magazine almost fits Laura Mulvey's 1975 theory of "The male gaze" within this theory she states women as being "sexual objects of desire for the audience to admire." This magazine is doing the opposite of this theory. Making the boys the objects of desire. This is done by choosing things that young girls would like, for example; Pastel colours, milkshakes and young boys. It has been proven that Laura Mulvey's theory is now changing and magazines are including more males as the sexual object of desire to attract more of the female target audiences.

Magazine Front Cover Analysis: We Love Pop

This particular magazine is represented as if it has a younger target audience, which it does. The pink and purple colour palette shows connotations of love, barbie, hearts, flowers etc. However the yellow within the colour palette shows connotations of happiness and sunshine. All connotations represent the audience as young and immature. This cover fits Stanley Halls's 1904 theory "youth must have excitement." With words on the page such as; SCREAM, SHOCKER, soap alert and GLAM, you can see why this it fits this theory. The thrill of excitement in the titles draws in the youth's attention.

Contents Page Analysis: Billboard

The simple layout of this contents page represents it as popular magazine. However the layout is filled quite heavily with text, this connotes that there is a lot to be read about in the magazine. The colour palette sticks to the same simple colours in the logo; black, red, yellow, blue and green. This represents it as a well known magazine. Because of the simple layout of this contents page I feel it aims at a slightly older target audience. However I do feel that it fits Stanley Hall's 1904 theory that "Adolescence is a time of stress and storm, making teenagers common mood a state of depression." The pale blue and grey effect of the page almost seems like it connotes sadness and a dull setting for the magazine.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Double Page Spread Analysis: Billboard

Shakira is dressed simply, this shows that she doesn't have to dress up for the magazine and is not being sexualised in any way. This represents her as a strong character. This also goes against Laura Mulvey's 1975 theory of the "male gaze", this theory states that "women are seen as erotic objects of desire for the characters in the story or people in the audience." Because of her natural beauty, she does not need to show off her body to be seen as pretty or sexy. Her natural features make her attractive enough. Her smile connotes she is confident and doesn't need to be sexualised to show this.

Front Page Analysis: Billboard

The colour palette shows female connotations, I think this is because the deep purple has connotations of love, calmness and it is a female orientated colour in general. The font is simple, this connotes that it is easy to read and shows the simplicity of the magazine without the ned of fancy fonts. The image shows a medium close up of Shakira. Her pose is bold, this has a representation of power and shows that she is strong. However pretty and delicate with her hair flowing and makeup perfectly applied. This image, is not like your typical magazine front cover image. Shakira is  plainly dressed, well covered up and looks very respectable. This goes against Laura Mulvey's theory of the "male gaze". Her theory states that women are seen as " erotic objects of desire for the audience to enjoy." Shakira is proving this all wrong by looking gorgeous, yet classy in this very feminine image.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

My Chosen Sub-Genre

I have chosen Pop as my sub-genre as I feel I enjoy it most and it is the most commonly listened to genre of music. Therefore it will be easier to create. I plan to follow the codes and conventions of a pop music magazine, but I feel I may subvert some things along the way! Below are examples of a front cover, contents page, and double page spread I plan to take inspiration from. They are from a magazine called Billboard.

Sub-Genre Research Codes And Conventions

Click here for powerpoint

Friday, 23 October 2015

College Magazine Front Cover And Contents Page With Evaluation

Successes of my front cover include;
  • Masthead design
  • Most images are well composed
  • My colour palette is clear
  • I have included a medium close up
Things I need to work on;
  • Puff- It is usually a competition or a freebie
  • My bottom photo is am odd one for a front cover
  • Page layout is normally one main image
  • I only have two cover lines

Successes of my contents page;
  • Clear house style between two pages
  • Image choice fits the genre
  • Some nice images
Things I need to work on;
  • Layout
  • Margins and justification of text
  • Amount of information included
  • Variety of shots

Friday, 2 October 2015

Original Images For My Front Cover And Contents Page

I will use this picture on  my contents page in the top right hand corner as a smaller image. The coverline to go with it will be about students textile work being advertised at falmouth university and what page you can find it on. I liked this photo because it is interesting and colourful. I would crop this picture to focus on the display and not the door and corridoor.

I like both of these computer oriented photos, I would have to choose between the two for my magazine. I may edit them and adjust the lighting. Only minor cropping would be needed on one of the photos. One of these photos would be placed on my front cover as a minor image. I like how they look natural and not posed.

This image will be used as a main image on my contents page. I will crop it so that it is just the image and no wall in the background. I may edit the photo to make the image bolder and more dramatic I like the photo because the dress is unusual and interesting. The topic will be on textiles and photography.

This image will be used to talk about sport science within the college and how they can be easily linked and when put together you can have a career in sport science. I will crop the image to make it fit the page better. It will be on my contents page 

This image will considered for my contents page or front cover as a smaller picture. I may edit this picture slightly adjusting the lighting and contrast etc. I like it because it's natural and not posed.

This image will be my main image on my front cover. It will advertise student success in sport. I like this picture as I chose a side angle to make it unusual and less posed, as I personally do not like posed pictures. I will crop this photo and adjust the brightness and contrast to make the quality better.