My target audience is mainly females so this result is as expected and will show the accurate results I need.
My primary target audience is people aged 17-34, this is the age of the majority of the people who took my survey. My secondary target audience is people aged 35-44 which is included in my survey results also. This means that my results will show an accurate result.
The majority of my audience chose to have a red, white and black colour palette. Yet I think I will choose my second opted option of green, black, white and burgundy. I have chosen to do this because I think this will appeal more to my primary target audience as the colours are light connoting youth. Yet the burgundy gives the page a calming effect.
The majority of my audience chose Latest sportswear and accessory updates/recommendations. I think this would be a good article to read and agree with my audience on this choice. I also like the idea of a healthy eating plan article.
I think I will have one main image for my contents page and possibly 2 minor images. I agree with my audience on 2-3/4-5 images.
I think I will include one main image and a minor image for my magazine because I feel it will give the magazine a different look. Yet it will go against common codes and conventions.
I think I will write a small article for my magazine and feature a main image attracting the readers attention.
I will price my magazine at £2.50 as this is what the majority of people have chosen. I think this is a good deal for a regional magazine.
From this information I now know that I am getting accurate results from this survey as more than half of the people who took the survey either run or are interested in running.
This shows that my magazine is a good idea and most people would by the magazine I am going to produce.
Good research - well summarised.