Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Audience profiling

Primary audience:

Audience profiling allows media businesses to narrow down their audience/customers to find their target audience. It is always best for a media businesses to find their target audience before marketing a new product so you can get the best results and profit well. A target audience is one that is most relevant and connected to a media product that a company is trying to see, hence the name target audience.

Audiences are graded using a chart similar to the one below:

My primary target audience will be people of a social grades B-C1 aged 17-34. I have chosen fairly high social grades because my magazine is unique and being a regional magazine of such a specific topic, it has a very niche target audience. my audience nationality will be British and the magazine will be aimed mainly at people in the south westerly area. The ethnicity is mainly white British and people of any sexuality e.g gay/straight/bi. It will be aimed at men and women of medium income. My target audience will be people earning money and/or in higher education, my primary target audience will be healthy active people or those who want to be healthy and active! They will have high ambitions for life and want a healthy active life style.

Secondary audience:
Nationality: British
Living Location: West region
Ethnicity: White British
Sexuality: Straight

Social Grade: C2
Income: Medium- high/ high
Gender: Female  

My secondary taget audience includes people of social grade C2 they will have interest of people and sport in the regional area of the southwest. This slightly older audience will be more established in their lives and know what they are doing. They will find excitement in my magazine as it will be different to what they read in their normal routine.

Audience appeal:

The Uses and Gratifications Theory (Blumler and Katz 1975), suggests there are certain reasons why an audience responds to different media texts. Uses and gratifications theory is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs.

The psychographic of my audience:
Psychographic segmentation involves dividing your market into segments based upon different personality traits, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles of consumers. This segmentation is advantageous because it allows you to engage in product design and marketing in a focused manner.

Young and Rubicam:

Primary target audience:

  • The explorer
  • The succeeder
Secondary target audience:
  • The aspirer
  • The mainstream

Maslows hierarchy of needs:

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation" in Psychological Review. Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans' innate curiosity.

Primary target audience: My magazine will trigger self-actualisation of my readers and make them want to take part in running and try something new and feel you are living to your highest potential. Also safety and belonging if they live in the area.

Secondary target audience:
My magazine will cater for this audiences esteem needs rather than needs that are already being met as I feel this audience will already know where thirty are I'm life and are settled.

Vals theory:

VALS ("Values and Lifestyles") is a proprietary research methodology used for psychographic market segmentation. Market segmentation is designed to guide companies in tailoring their products and services in order to appeal to the people most likely to purchase them.

primary target audience:

  • innovators
  • esteem seekers
  • strivers
Secondary target audience:
  • traditionalists
  • strivers

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